Eddie retells his own experiences with the other world, starting with the sighting when he was 12 years old of civil war nurse at his family's home.
Host – M.P. Pellicer
Miami Ghost Chronicles http://www.MiamiGhostChronicles.com
Stories of the Supernatural http://www.StoriesoftheSupernatural.info
Visit our website to view videos or download MP3s of the show Also available on iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/s...
DONATIONS AT BUY ME A COFFEE - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Marlene11 Music – purple-planet.com & OrangeFreeSounds.com
Images sources - www.Pixabay.com, Miami Ghost Chronicles and the Internet PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE OUR VIDEOS & PODCASTS! THANKS!
Guest - Eddie Parks, founder of Tri-State Shadow Chasers
WEBSITE - tristateshadowchasers.com
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